Tag Archives: history
30 years ago today: As East Berliners Celebrated Freedom, Rostropovich Played Bach
Source: As East Berliners Celebrated Freedom, Rostropovich Played Bach | Bachstock | WQXR
Vor 50 Jahren: Unbundling – Impuls für eine unabhängige Softwareindustrie | heise online
First time I ran my personal website
For the fun of it I just checked the WayBackMachine when I first registered hanshafner.com and .de and ran my website. They have the first entry in 2001… I thought it was earlier, but I may be wrong of course.
It’s very interesting to browse through the page over on the WayBackMachine: music notation, Quake3Arena (anyone remember those days on a 56k modem?? LOL), political stuff, I even released some of the electronic tracks from then under a free license (!!)… if only I would find what tracks those were… Hehehe…
Anyway, when did you register your first domain and ran your own website?
Wonderland and Beyond: Exploring the East/West Divide through Photography | Brain Pickings
Something beautiful in the evening:
Wonderland and Beyond: Exploring the East/West Divide through Photography | Brain Pickings.
USA looses gold standard
Today in 1933 the bankers took control of the dollar for good.
This Day in History — History.com — What Happened Today in History.