Oscar-nominated Editor Saar Klein on building suspense

Saar Klein (SK):

In film, silence is as important as sound. The lack of sound is a powerful tool to dramatize, highlight and often to immerse the viewer into the eyes of a character to experience the world as they do. In my opinion, there’s an overuse of sound in recent Hollywood films. Both music and effects are pushed, creating audio fatigue for the viewer. For very practical purposes it is important to remove and simplify sound, so when you need to use it and you want it to “pop” you have the room to do so. To badly paraphrase Spinal Tap: your amp doesn’t need to be at 11. With After the Fall I tried to push these ideas to the next level. The intent was to place the viewer into the environment of the characters in order to create immersion.

It’s totally worth reading the whole article

Tolles Interview: Anke Greifeneder über Serienproduktion in Deutschland

Manchmal habe ich mich allerdings auch geärgert, denn trotz all des Gejammers “Ach, wenn wir nur endlich so dürften, wie wir könnten und wollten” bekamen wir anfangs erstaunlich wenig innovative Bücher. Ich habe erst später verstanden, dass die meisten Drehbuchautoren einfach misstrauisch waren. Immer wenn man ihnen versprochen hat “Macht es doch mal ein bisschen anders” und sie es dann anders gemacht haben, ist ihnen ihr Drehbuch um die Ohren geflogen. Dann hieß es plötzlich wieder: “Wir müssen es doch wieder einordnen und auf Nummer sicher gehen.”

Quelle: “In Deutschland wird ein Format so oft produziert, bis es tot ist”

“Seeds are gonna be the new currency” – The Big Short (2015) – Highly recommended!!

More than enjoyable: it’s an entertaining and at the same time very moving look at what led to the crash in 2008 that affected my family and me so terribly. If you know me, you’ll know why.

Playing “Crazy” during the “confession session” of the loan brokers scene is so obvious that it’s genius.

“The Big Short” is such wonderful quote fest. The woman at Standard & Poors says: “What do you think we do here all day?” – “Well, what do you do?”. The flip side of this is of course, that all those models that really smart financial mathematicians (and I mean that in all honesty) built and that were running on, I don’t know, either a gigantic server farm or the equivalent of a Raspberry Pi, couldn’t see, that something was fundamentally wrong. That is a lesson to be learned!!

My hope is that this movie will win big at the Oscars 2016.


5 Things You Need To Make A Short Film That People Will Give A F**k About – Raindance

  1. A Great Script Something that I’ve noticed about many shorts coming out of film schools and most film festival submissions is, that there’s a wealth of “well directed” shorts, or beautiful films shot on super 16mm, using Cooke lenses helmed by super-talented cinematographers.. but do I care for the actual film? Rarely.  What I …

Source: 5 Things You Need To Make A Short Film That People Will Give A F**k About – Raindance